Mu Gamma at-Large Chapter

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  • Board Members 2023-2024


    Sarah Llewellyn

    Vice-Pres NNU

    Bethany Hazel

    Vice-Pres Leader

    Julya Miner

    Vice-Pres BSU

    Lucy Zhao


    Karen Godard


    Britt Watson

    BSU Counselor

    Sarah Llewellyn

    NNU Counselor

    Jane Weis

    Governance Committee Chair

     Jason Blomquist

    Governance Committee 1

    Lizzie Latour 

    Governance Committee 2

    Marketa Friel

    Leadership Succession Chair

    Janice Crabill

    Leadership Succession 1

    Tracee Chapman

    Leadership Succession 2

    Christine Larsen


    Virginia Farr

    This year is also the biennial convention for Sigma where the international chapters send delegates to learn from others, celebrate the success of Sigma members, and vote on proposed bylaws and articles of incorporation amendments and the slate of international officers. Mu Gamma is sending Jason Blomquist and Sarah Llewellyn as our delegates this year. Updates will be sent out to members following the November convention.

Existing Members
166 Members
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